2020 Convention Hotel Information

Hotel Information

We are excited that you are registered to attend the 2020 Madame Alexander Doll Club Convention.  
The registration for the hotel is open. 
Please keep in mind that that North American International Auto Show is taking place in Detroit, through Sunday, June 21. 
I know some folks planned to come in early to attend.  
Details will be posted to www.naias.com 
The Somerset Inn is offering the following room rates:
Tower (per night)
Singles: $139 
Doubles: $139 
Suites: From $295-$450
Executive Wing (per night)
Singes: $164
Doubles: $164
To make your reservation visit www.somersetinn.com 
(Do not visit third party web sites)  
In the top right hand corner.....  
Click on check rates.
Click on select dates.
Click on update dates of stay (you have select your dates).
Select the down arrow on Add Code.
Select Discount Code.
Select Group Attendee.
Enter Group Code 5431
Select Add.
Group will come up. (NOTE: It will say: 
Madame Alexander Doll Club Annual National Convention)
Select & Go to the next step.
Select room type & book.
Proceed with your reservation.
If you have questions, you may contact the hotel directly at
248-643-7800 or 800-228-8769.
We look forward to seeing you in June.